Hotel blocks for ASM25 will open December 2024. ODA members should watch for an email where we will announce the hotel blocks are open.
The ODA offers a variety of room blocks with preferred rates for attendees.
Please book early to ensure your preferred choice of hotel. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Listed hotels are holding room blocks at preferred group rates for ASM attendees. Please reserve your room directly with your preferred hotel. If you are contacting the hotel directly, please state you are attending the ODA Annual Spring Meeting to qualify for these preferred rates.
To ensure that there is as much hotel availability as possible, attendees will be required to provide a one-night, non-refundable deposit to access the ASM room block.
It is the responsibility of each attendee to know and understand the hotel’s cancellation policy. Please ensure that you ask about the hotel’s cancellation policy at the time of booking.
The ODA does not use the services of a convention housing bureau or travel agent authorized to make hotel reservations related to the Annual Spring Meeting.